Scope & Mission

Its mission is to appreciate brilliant scholarly research in Islamic thought. MURJIS not only encourages authors to be creative, but also attempts to motivate and guide readers to be inquisitive, creative and critical in approach.

Aim of MURJIS to promote scholarly research on contemporary issues and complexities of modern day world.  
MURJIS welcomes academic researchers to get their writings published on a vast range of topics of Islamic & Religious Studies i.e. Qurᾱn and the Sciences of QurᾱnḤadῑth and Sciences of Ḥadῑth, Islamic Theology, the Islamic Jurisprudence, the Islamic Economy, and Islamic Education, the contemporary Muslim world, Islam and the West, Comparative Religions Islamic and Arabic literature etc .The purpose and goal of journal is to highlight Islamic concepts to answer the questions and to find solutions of different issues arising in modern era in the light of Shariah.